Hristo Koshutanski


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International Journals
 [1] G. Hatzivasilis, S. Ioannidis, M. Smyrlis, G. Spanoudakis, F. Frati, L. Goeke, T. Hildebrandt, G. Tsakirakis, F. Oikonomou, G. Leftheriotis, H. Koshutanski, Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and Continuous Adaptation of Programmes to TraineesApplied Sciences 10(16):5702, Aug 2020.
 [2] A. Maña and H. Koshutanski (issue editors), Special Issue on Recent Advances in Ambient Intelligence Towards a Smart and Human-Centered Internet of ThingsJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019. © Springer. ISSN: 1868-5137 (Print) 1868-5145 (Online)
 [3] P. Antón, A. Maña, A. Muñoz, and H. Koshutanski, An Immersive View Approach by Secure Interactive Multimedia Proof-of-concept ImplementationMultimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 19., October 2015. © Springer.
 [4] S.P. Kaluvuri, H. Koshutanski, F. Di Cerbo, R. Menicocci, A. Maña, A Digital Security Certificate Framework for ServicesInternational Journal of Services Computing (IJSC), Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2013, pp. 25-38.
 [5] A. Maña, H. Koshutanski, and Ernesto J. Pérez, A Trust Negotiation Based Security Framework for Service Provisioning in Load-Balancing ClustersComputers & Security, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 4-25, February 2012. © Elsevier B.V.
 [6] P. Antón, A. Muñoz, A. Maña, and H. Koshutanski, Security-enhanced Ambient Assisted Living Supporting School Activities during HospitalisationJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012, pp. 177-192. © Springer.
 [7] H. Koshutanski and A. Maña, Interoperable Semantic Access Control for Highly Dynamic CoalitionsSecurity and Communication Networks, Vol. 3, No. 6., Nov/Dec 2010, pp. 565–594. (2010) © John Wiley & Sons.
 [8] H. Koshutanski, A. Lazouski, F. Martinelli and P. Mori, Enhancing Grid Security by Fine-grained Behavioral Control and Negotiation-based AuthorizationInternational Journal of Information Security, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 291-314. August 2009. © Springer.
 [9] H. Koshutanski, A Survey on Distributed Access Control Systems for Web Business ProcessesInternational Journal of Network Security, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 61-69, July 2009. © IJNS
 [10] H. Koshutanski, M. Ion and L. Telesca, Towards User-centric Identity Interoperability for Digital EcosystemsInternational Journal on Advances in Security, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 26-38, 2008. IARIA journals (online). © IARIA.
 [11] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, Interactive Access Control for Autonomic Systems: from Theory to ImplementationACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems Vol. 3, No. 3 (Article 9), August 2008. © ACM
 [12] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, A Negotiation Scheme for Access Rights Establishment in Autonomic CommunicationJournal of Network and System Management, Vol. 15, No. 1,pp. 117-136, March 2007. Springer Netherlands press. © Springer Science+Business Media.
Spain National Journals
 [13] H. Koshutanski, R. Harjani, A. Maña, Ernesto J. Pérez, Marioli Montenegro, Sistema de Autorización Única para Plataformas Federadas de Provisión de ContenidoNovática, Núm. 216, p. 69-74, marzo-abril 2012. © ATI (Asociación de Técnicos de Informática).
Book chapters
 [14] M. Anisetti, C.A. Ardagna, E. Damiani, A. Maña, G. Spanoudakis, L. Pino, H. Koshutanski. Security certification for the cloud: The CUMULUS approach. In Shao Ying Zhu, Richard Hill, Marcello Trovati (Eds.) Guide to Security Assurance for Cloud Computing. 2015. Springer International Publishing.
 [15] L. Telesca and H. Koshutanski. A Trusted Negotiation Environment for Digital Ecosystems. In F. Nachira, P. Dini, A. Nicolai, M. Le Louarn, L. Rivera Lèon (Eds.) Digital Business Ecosystems. November 2007. European Commission press.
 [16] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci. Interactive Access Control and Trust Negotiation for Autonomic Communication. In Francine Herrmann and Djamel Khadraoui (Eds.) Advances in Enterprise Information Technology Security. June 2007. IGI press.
Conference and workshop proceedings
 [17] M. Angelelli, C. Catalano, D. Hill, H. Koshutanski, C. Pascarelli, J. Rafferty, A Reference Architecture Proposal for Secure Data Management in Mobile Health. In 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech 2022), July 2022, IEEE.
 [18] G. Hatzivasilis, S. Ioannidis, M. Smyrlis, G. Spanoudakis, F. Frati, C. Braghin, E. Damiani, H. Koshutanski, G. Tsakirakis, T. Hildebrandt, L. Goeke, S. Pape, O. Blinder, M. Vinov, G. Leftheriotis, M. Kunc, F. Oikonomou, G. Maglio, V. Petrarolo, A. Chieti, and R. Bordianu, The THREAT-ARREST Cyber Ranges Platform. In IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber Ranges and Security Training (CRST), July 2021, IEEE, pp. 1-6.
 [19] The THREAT-ARREST Cyber-Security Training Platform. In 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Simulation and Training Environments for Cybersecurity (MSTEC), September 2019, Luxembourg. Co-located with ESORICS 2019 conference.
 [20] R. Harjani, M. Arjona, J. Espinar, A. Maña, A. Muñoz, and H. Koshutanski, An Integrated Framework for Multi-layer Certification-based Assurance. In 8th Layered Assurance Workshop (LAW 2014), December 2014, New Orleans, USA.
 [21] M. Montenegro, A. Maña, and H. Koshutanski, Improving security assurance of services through certificate profiles. In 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Services for the Future Internet (WAS4FI 2013), September 2013, Malaga, Spain.
 [22] S. P. Kaluvuri, H. Koshutanski, F. Di Cerbo, and A. Maña, Security assurance of services through digital security certificates. In IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), June, 2013, Santa Clara Marriott, CA, USA.
 [23] J. Espinar, A. Maña and H. Koshutanski , Workflow Operational Assurance for Security-by-design Certified Service-based Coalitions. In IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Security and Privacy Engineering, Assurance, and Certification (SPEAC 2013), June, 2013, Santa Clara Marriott, CA, USA.
 [24] Germán Herrero Cárcel, Aida Campo, Maria Gil, Ana Garcia, David Martin, Ion Zugasti, Sonia Bilbao, Amalia Perez, Hristo Koshutanski, Antonio Maña and Iñaki Perez De Albeniz, ConTur: an intelligent content management system for the tourism sector. In 19th eTourism Community Confrence: eTourism Present and Future Services and Applications, January 24-27, 2012, Helsingborg, Sweden.
 [25] P. Antón, A. Maña, A. Muñoz, H. Koshutanski, Live Interactive Frame Technology Alleviating Children Stress and Isolation During Hospitalization. In 3rd International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2011), June 8-10, 2011, Malaga, Spain. LNCS, Springer-Verlag. © Springer.
 [26] Z. Miklós, N. Bonvin, P. Bouquet, M. Catasta, D. Cordioli, P. Fankhauser, J. Gaugaz, E. Ioannou, H. Koshutanski, A. Maña, C. Niederée, T. Palpanas and H. Stoermer, From Web Data to Entities and Back. In proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’10), June 07-08, 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia. LNCS 6051, pp. 302-316. © Springer.
 [27] H. Koshutanski and A. Maña, A Semantic Approach to Access Control and Automated Credential Negotiation for Decentralized Online Repositories / An OKKAM Project Use Case. In proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP2008), December 15-17, 2008, Rome, Italy. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online
 [28] M. Ion, H. Koshutanski, V. Hoyer and L. Telesca, Rating Agencies Interoperation for Peer-to-Peer Online Transactions. In proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE’08), August 2008, Cap Esterel, France. IEEE press. © IEEE.
 [29] M. Ion, A. Danzi, H. Koshutanski and L. Telesca, A Peer-to-Peer Multidimensional Trust Model for Digital Ecosystems. In proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE-DEST 2008), February 2008, Phitsanulok, Thailand. IEEE press. © IEEE.
 [30] H. Koshutanski, M. Ion and L. Telesca, A Distributed Identity Management Model for Digital Ecosystems. In proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE’07), October 2007, Valencia, Spain. IEEE press. © IEEE. Best Paper Award
 [31] M. Ion, L. Telesca, F. Botto and H. Koshutanski, An Open Distributed Identity and Trust Management Approach for Digital Community Ecosystems. In International Workshop on ICT for Business Clusters in Emerging Markets, June 2007, Michigan State University. Co-located with Communities and Technologies (C&T) Conference. [online proceedings]
 [32] H. Koshutanski, F. Martinelli, P. Mori, L. Borz and A. Vaccarelli, A Fine-grained and X.509-based Access Control System for Globus. In proceedings of the International Symposium on Grid computing, high-performAnce and Distributed Applications (GADA’06), November 2006, Montpellier, France. Springer-Verlag press. © Springer-Verlag
 [33] H. Koshutanski, F. Martinelli, P. Mori and A. Vaccarelli, Fine-grained and History-based Access Control with Trust Management for Autonomic Grid Services. In proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Automatic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS’06), July 2006, Silicon Valley, California. IEEE press. © IEEE. Best Paper Award
 [34] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, Interactive Credential Negotiation for Stateful Business Processes. In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Trust Management (iTrust), May 2005, Rocquencourt, France. LNCS 3477, pages 257-273. Springer-Verlag press. © Springer-Verlag
 [35] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, E Pluribus Unum: Deduction, Abduction and Induction, the Reasoning Services for Access Control in Autonomic Communication. In proceedings of the 1st IFIP TC6 WG6.6 International Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2004), October 2004, Berlin, Germany. LNCS 3457, pages 179-190. Springer-Verlag press.
 [36] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, Interactive Access Control for Web Services. In proceedings of the 19th IFIP Information Security Conference (SEC), August 2004, Toulouse, France. pages 151-166. Kluwer press.
 [37] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, An Interactive Trust Management and Negotiation Scheme. In proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST), August 2004, Toulouse, France. pages 139-152. Kluwer press.
 [38] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, A System for Interactive Authorization for Business Processes for Web Services. In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), July 2004, Munich, Germany. LNCS 3140, pages 521-525. Springer-Verlag press. © Springer-Verlag
 [39] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, An Access Control Framework for Business Processes for Web Services. In proceedings of ACM Workshop on XML Security, October 31, 2003, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, USA. pages 15-24. ACM press.
 [40] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, An Access Control System for Business Processes for Web ServicesNordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems (NORDSEC), October 15-17, 2003, Gjøvik University College, Norway. pages 143-150./td>
 [41] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, A Logical Model for Security of Web ServicesFirst International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST), September 8-9, 2003, Pisa, Italy. Editors: Theo Dimitrakos and Fabio Martinelli. Technical Report: IIT-CNR TR-10/2003, pages 1-8.
 [42] H. Koshutanski and A. Maña, Highly Dynamic Coalitions – drive forward eBusinesseStrategies magazine, British Publishers. February 2009. eStrategies online.
 [43] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, Interactive Access Control and Trust Negotiation for Autonomic CommunicationERCIM News No. 63, Special Theme: Security and Trust Management. October 2005. About ERCIM News.
Ph.D. Dissertation
 [44] H. Koshutanski, Interactive Access Control for Autonomic SystemsUniversity of Trento (Italy). March 2005.
Technical Reports
 [45] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, Abduction and Deduction in Logic Programming for Access Control for Autonomic SystemsTechnical Report DIT-05-053. Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Trento, Italy. July 2005. Used as lecture notes for a course at ESSLLI 2005 summer school.
 [46] H. Koshutanski and F. Massacci, Interactive Access Control in Autonomic CommunicationTechnical Report DIT-04-094. Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Trento, Italy. October 2004.